The Encounters Podcast
How can I share my faith in casual conversation? How do I evangelize one-on-one? What does it look like to share the Gospel with someone? In each episode of The Encounters Podcast, you will hear a guest sharing how they invited someone into an encounter with Jesus. Brought to you as a collaboration between Mission of the Redeemer Ministries and Genesis Mission, The Encounters Podcast will encourage you in the Catholic faith, inspire you as missionary disciple, and equip you to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world.
Podcasting since 2022 • 24 episodes
The Encounters Podcast
Latest Episodes
"I don't think I believe in God but I would be open to it now..."
Joining us for this episode is a new guest with a familiar name! Following in the missionary footsteps of her mother, Jemima Thompson shares her story of praying for a recently departed soul. This simple act of mercy radiates out an...
Season 2
Episode 12

"I'm not sure how clever being clever is..."
Our beloved Michele, for all of her virtues and accomplishments, does NOT have a PhD (or any other degree or even any interest) in Mathematics. So when she meets a young man who is working on his third degree in Math, she naturally felt a bit t...
Season 2
Episode 11

"I know who you are. You've been sent to me by God..."
There is something new happening on The Encounters Podcast today. We are joined by not one, but two new guests! Julia and Tristan (you'll soon meet them both) share their experience with Mission Made Possible and their time spent wi...
Season 2
Episode 10

"I've never ever told anyone about that..."
Although the conversation started with a dismissive, "I don't really have anything to say," that turned out to not exactly be true. Given the chance to be really listened to, an older gentleman shares with Fr. Jon things he had never spok...
Season 2
Episode 9

"As far as I'm concerned, they're all hypocrites..."
Not every encounter is with someone who is sweet and kind. As Fr. Jon discovered over tea one day, there are people in the world who are gruff and difficult. But he did not write off just such a man and instead kept invoking the Hol...
Season 2
Episode 8