The Encounters Podcast
How can I share my faith in casual conversation? How do I evangelize one-on-one? What does it look like to share the Gospel with someone? In each episode of The Encounters Podcast, you will hear a guest sharing how they invited someone into an encounter with Jesus. Brought to you as a collaboration between Mission of the Redeemer Ministries and Genesis Mission, The Encounters Podcast will encourage you in the Catholic faith, inspire you as missionary disciple, and equip you to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the world.
24 episodes
"I don't think I believe in God but I would be open to it now..."
Joining us for this episode is a new guest with a familiar name! Following in the missionary footsteps of her mother, Jemima Thompson shares her story of praying for a recently departed soul. This simple act of mercy radiates out an...
Season 2
Episode 12

"I'm not sure how clever being clever is..."
Our beloved Michele, for all of her virtues and accomplishments, does NOT have a PhD (or any other degree or even any interest) in Mathematics. So when she meets a young man who is working on his third degree in Math, she naturally felt a bit t...
Season 2
Episode 11

"I know who you are. You've been sent to me by God..."
There is something new happening on The Encounters Podcast today. We are joined by not one, but two new guests! Julia and Tristan (you'll soon meet them both) share their experience with Mission Made Possible and their time spent wi...
Season 2
Episode 10

"I've never ever told anyone about that..."
Although the conversation started with a dismissive, "I don't really have anything to say," that turned out to not exactly be true. Given the chance to be really listened to, an older gentleman shares with Fr. Jon things he had never spok...
Season 2
Episode 9

"As far as I'm concerned, they're all hypocrites..."
Not every encounter is with someone who is sweet and kind. As Fr. Jon discovered over tea one day, there are people in the world who are gruff and difficult. But he did not write off just such a man and instead kept invoking the Hol...
Season 2
Episode 8

"This has been the most extraordinary encounter ..."
Although she was hoping for an afternoon walk by herself near the seashore, Michele's missionary vigilance sensed an opportunity that could have easily been missed. It led to an "extraordinary encounter " (in her new friends words) at a c...
Season 2
Episode 7

"I lost my husband recently..."
Michele was out cruising through "second-hand" stores when an innocuous question about a red hat opened up much deeper questions about loss, love, and faith. Realizing that there was no better time than the present, Michele engaged ...
Season 2
Episode 6

"I know what you did last summer ..."
We take a bit of a detour in this episode. Rather than Michele sharing one particular encounter, she recounts some of the highlights of this past summer. From time on mission to an engaging conference to a conversation with an exorc...
Season 2
Episode 5

"Lots of little bridges being crossed..."
While Father Jon was just trying to get a few days rest at a B&B, the Lord had other plans. Sure, he had time to do a bit of extra reading, praying, and resting, but each day the Lord brought him together with the proprietor for an ex...
Season 2
Episode 4

"Does this mean I can come back to Mass ..."
Father Jon and Michele are off on a mission trip where they equip others to share the Good News and bring them into the city to have their own encounters. One of the most amazing of these encounters begins on the street but ends som...
Season 2
Episode 3

"Ah, but that's not the end of the story..."
Even Michele gets nervous before evangelizing!We continue the start of Season 2 with a bang as Michele shows us the best possible thing we can do when we are anxious about an encounter. In this episode, not only will you lea...
Season 2
Episode 2

"I can't deal with life anymore..."
While she thought she was just making a quick trip to the shop to buy bacon, the Lord had different plans for Michele!Welcome back to Season 2 of The Encounters Podcast. As we kick off the new season, Michele shares an unplanned e...
Season 2
Episode 1

"Two weeks ago, my cousin died..."
If you are mourning the loss of a loved one, and carrying the weight of guilt and regret, there is no better place to wander than in front of a Catholic Church where Michele Thompson is eagerly waiting to meet someone sent by the Lord.I...
Season 1
Episode 12

"I'm afraid of dying ... "
Fr. Jon could have enjoyed a cup of fresh coffee with some of his parishioners, but a nudge from the Holy Spirit and the willingness to seek an encounter led him to a different table at the local cafe. And there he found a man deeply imme...
Season 1
Episode 11

"I used to be able to pray ..."
Fr. Jon takes us through a story of broken relationships, domestic abuse, and family tragedy. But the Holy Spirit remains ever faithful, and the young lady with whom he engages soon encounters God in prayer after having pushed Him out of ...
Season 1
Episode 10

"But how do I know what is true..."
It was supposed to be a 3 minute errand to sort out some paperwork; it ended up as a 75 minute conversation about film, faith, the nature of goodness, the existence of the soul, the nature of truth, the personal revelation of God, and much more...
Season 1
Episode 9

"I can't let it go ..."
Sitting on a bench overlooking the ocean, Michele engages in a casual conversation with a stranger about travel, COVID, and future plans. After two hours, however, the content of their discussion turns suddenly serious as her interlocutor...
Season 1
Episode 8

"I listen to my own spirit ..."
Are there people around you who almost slip under the radar? They are quiet, lacking in confidence, and perhaps a bit beaten down by the trials of this life. They carry on with their day-to-day activities but can remain almost unnot...
Season 1
Episode 7

"I just want to be happy ..."
Fr. Jon Bielawski joins us on The Encounters Podcast for the first time!Have you ever struggled with speaking to someone whose world view is informed by the new age? They credit karma for events, speak of God as an impers...
Season 1
Episode 6

"I couldn't forgive myself..."
Michele is out again with her coffee and sausage rolls, and as always, her kind invitations to have a snack and a chat lead to a remarkable conversation.If you have ever struggled deeply with anger towards others or the difficulty of fo...
Season 1
Episode 5

"I've got to know something is real..."
What do a man uncertain of God's presence, a girl on a bench with a skateboard, and a lady crying near an underpass all have in common? They're all primed for an encounter with God's grace. Listen now to hear Michele share three bea...
Season 1
Episode 4

"I saw something flash across his eyes..."
Welcome to The Encounters Podcast.Michele reminds us to take full advantage of all opportunities God gives us as she shares the story of a man deeply moved by meditating upon a crèche. Enjoy the show and please leave us a ...
Season 1
Episode 3

"My life spiralled out of control..."
Welcome to The Encounters Podcast.Today Michele reflects on a missed opportunity and how it prepared her for an unexpected encounter with a storied young man. It's a tale of tragedy, healing, and the silent work of grace which can...
Season 1
Episode 2